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Dec 24, 2017

: Episode 961 - Adam Carolla Show celebrity Gina Grad (, joins Vinnie to read the menus and discuss the bad lunches of some rich schools published in the New York Times.



  • NYT released an article documenting the bad lunches some rich schools provide their students
    • It's appalling! 
    • Schools aren't spending money on healthy lunches
  • Baked potato with broccoli and processed cheese
    • Pretty sugary, but overall, could be worse!!
    • In the realm of school lunches, Vinnie is happy there is broccoli and cheese
  • "Italian Dunkers" - these are grains and tomato sugar, basically
  • Pizza sticks, lettuce salad, pudding dessert
    • This sounds pretty unhealthy on the whole
    • Lettuce, good, but the rest is about as bad as it gets 
      • Plus, you're going to put dressing filled with sugar on this salad
    • No protein or fat in here
  • Tacos
    • Put it in a shell, and now it's unhealthy
  • Potato coins
    • This just SOUNDS bad
  • Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Corn, Dinner roll, & fruit
    • This is horrible
    • Chicken is breaded
    • Bread on top of bread with one of the worst grains - corn
  • Juice slushies
    • Juice is ALREADY straight sugar, so this just sounds even worse
  • These meals will put kids to sleep