Mar 25, 2014
Vinnie and the co-person on the show talk to Alexis Wolfer about natural beauty products and then talk to the Godfather of Paleo, Dr. Loren Cordain. You're gonna love these two.
Check out The Beauty Bean site.
Buy Alexis Wolfer's The
Recipe for Radiance: Discover Beauty's Best-Kept Secrets in Your
Mar 18, 2014
Vinnie and Anna
have a quick chat with Andrea Anders about jumping on and off the
NSNG wagon, and then they chat with Dr. Yoni Freedhoff about his
new book, The
Diet Fix: Why Diets Fail and How to Make Yours Work
Yoni Freedhoff, MD is widely known as Canada’s most outspoken obesity expert and he is an assistant...
Mar 11, 2014
Vinnie and Anna check in with much beloved regular Dietitian Cassie about overtraining, they talk all things real food with Mary Shenouda, the Paleo Chef, and then chat with Andrew Read about overweight trainers.
The super hot Dietitian Cassie. Find out what's in a Shamrock Shake.
The gorgeous Mary
Shenouda. Check...
Mar 7, 2014
Vinnie talks one on one to Damian Kevitt. You will love his story. Damian had one of the most interesting cycling stories I've ever heard. He is the survivor of a brutal hit and run, but now Damian is going to Finish the...
Mar 5, 2014
Vinnie and Anna talk to Dr. John Briffa about tap water, low carb, the benefits of quitting grains, and the BBC documentary "Sugar vs. Fat."
Buy Escape
the Diet Trap by Dr. John
Dr John Briffa Biography:
Dr John Briffa BSc MB BS (Lond) is a practising doctor, internationally-published author and speaker. After...