Dec 30, 2013
Vinnie and Anna have Serena Scott Thomas in the studio to talk about what we've learned and how we've grown in 2013 and resolutions for 2014.
Buy Ultimate
Direction Women's Wink Hydration Pack (Blue Jewel).
Dec 27, 2013
Vinnie and Anna talk to Natural Running Coach Richard Diaz.
Check out Richard's site: Diaz Human Performance.
Richard Diaz, founder of diaz human performance LLC., a California corporation established in the year 2000, provides an umbrella for his coaching, education and diagnostic services.
Mr. Diaz has a long...
Dec 23, 2013
Vinnie and Anna talk to Jonathan Bailor from The Smarter Science of Slim and the author of The Calorie Myth to discuss the myths surrounding calories.
Preorder The
Calorie Myth: How to Eat More, Exercise Less, Lose Weight, and Live
Dec 20, 2013
and Anna talk to Allison Gryphon, filmmaker and breast cancer
warrior, about her journey. She is amazing, and you will love
Order and download What
the F@#- Is Cancer and Why Does Everyone Have It?.
Dec 18, 2013
Vinnie and Anna welcome whip-smart, joy-rocket internet entrepreneur and future breakdancer Pat Flynn to the show to discuss the number one tip for productivity. Hint: it ain't an app.
Check out Pat's site at Smart Passive Income. Follow him on Twitter here.
Find out how to start a podcast from Pat at