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Feb 13, 2019

: Episode 1255 - Andy and Vinnie talk coffee, sugary drinks at coffee shops, breaking under the weight of our own weight, and more on this Wednesday show.



  • Starbucks and other coffee shops have 'seasonal' drinks
  • Really just riffs of other drinks they have year round
  • Vinnie came across a nutrition guide for these drinks while he was waiting on a breve cappucino
  • Rose Hazelnut Latte, 16 ounces, 66g of SUGAR
    • More than a 12oz coke!
    • People drink this for breakfast!
    • This drink is like 3x the sugar of a Snickers bar
  • Rose Hazelnut Ice Blended Drink, 16 ounces, 82g of sugar
    • This is more than anyone should be eating!!!
    • People will get the BIGGER versions of this 
  • Cookie and Creme 16oz, over 100 grams of sugar
    • This is actually terrifying
  • This is why we are breaking under the weight of our weight
    • This is why people have diabetes, sleep apnea, fatty liver disease
    • Because eating and drinking things like this daily has been normalized