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Jan 16, 2016

Vinnie Tortorich brings on listener Anne to discuss fruit's role in NSNG on this Saturday listeners'  questions edition of the Celebrity Fitness Trainer podcast.



  • Found Vinnie's podcast from the Adam and Drew show (her husband heard Vinnie and relayed his message to Anne, as she used to be addicted to sugar) 
    • Vinnie will be back on Dr. Drew's show soon and on Adam's big show!
  • Has read books such as Fat Chance by Lustig 
  • Anne wants to get lean and cut (she is already thin and beautiful)
    • Marathon runner!


  • Because Anne had a sugar addiction, she wants to be careful about eating too much fruit
    • In the morning, Anne will have mixed berries with chia seeds, coconut and some almond milk and eat that with egg/vegetable dish 
    • For lunch Anne will have some meat and salad without fruit
    • At night, Anne will have some apple and grapes with almond butter, etc.
  • Anne hasn't broken the cycle but she is close 
    • Her body is still using fruit to bridge the sugar gap
      • She needs to break the fruit cycle then she can go back to fruit later on once the "hanger" after dinner stops 
        • Sugar causes our body to release grelin which makes our feelings of hunger come back
    • Eventually, once Anne's body becomes more fat adapted (this is not the same as in ketosis), fruit can be re-introduced without the same effects
  • Harder to become fat adapted while eating fruit
    • Becoming fat adapted can take anywhere from 15-60 days
      • You won't be hangry anymore
        • No pain and no pangs 
  • Better to stay away from the more tropical fruits
    • Berries are the best!! Lowest Glycemic Index 


  • Everyone is different
  • You have to test it, and if you plateau and/or gain weight while drinking milk nd eating lots of yogurt, try cutting it out and seeing what works
  • You have to tweak your body to buy into ketone bodies
  • Once your body figures everything out, you can re-introduce, etc.